Stand Upright Without Scoliosis

What Is Scoliosis?
The word scoliosis comes from a Greek word meaning crooked. If you have scoliosis, you're not alone. About 3 out of every 100 people have some form of scoliosis, though for many of them it's not much of a problem.
Someone with scoliosis may have a back that curves from side to side like an "S" or a "C." Although small curves generally do not cause problems, if the curve gets severe it can be visible and cause discomfort.
Scoliosis is sort of a medical mystery — no one knows for sure what causes the most common form of scoliosis, idiopathic scoliosis. ("Idiopathic" is a medical term that means it's not known what caused the condition or disease.) Doctor do know that scoliosis can run in families, though. So a person who has scoliosis may have family members who have it.
Most types of scoliosis are more common in girls than boys, and girls with scoliosis are more likely to need treatment.