Appendicitis Symptoms

Abdominal Pain
Of the appendicitis symptoms that one can experience, abdominal pain is the one that is the most poignant indicator of appendicitis. The pain starts in the navel area. It then moves into the lower right-hand corner of the sufferer's abdomen. This appendicitis symptom will become worse as the disease progresses. The pain then settles in an area that is near the appendix. This area is called the McBurney point. It located at the top of the right side of one's pelvic bone.
Fever and Other Symptoms of Illness
Appendicitis symptoms can mimic some of the symptoms associated with less serious illnesses, such as a bad flu. Basically, these appendicitis symptoms include: a low-grade fever, loss of appetite and malaise. However, one will know that these things are indicative of appendicitis symptoms because abdominal pain will accompany them.
Bowel Problems
Appendicitis symptoms can also affect a person's bowel habits. Appendicitis can cause a person to have excessive diarrhea, constipation and an inability to pass gas.
Abdominal Swelling
Finally, there's the appendicitis symptom of abdominal swelling. Although the swelling may not be visible to outsiders, it could be large enough to make a person feel as if something is in their stomach.
If any of the above-mentioned appendicitis symptoms apply to yourself or a loved one, go to an Emergency Room immediately. If it is determined that you have appendicitis, doctors will remove the appendix immediately. Don't worry about possible complications of such an operation. While all operations carry some risks, without appendix removal, appendicitis can be lethal. Besides, since researchers have not yet discovered the purpose of the appendix, your body won't miss it once it's removed.
Not taking such measures could result in the appendix bursting, a condition which releases the infection into the abdominal cavity. This can develop further into peritonitis, which is an infection of the abdomen that causes the body to grow an abscess in that region. Either, way a ruptured appendix is a condition you do not want to be dealing with. Granted, if it does happen doctors can try and control it, but you don't want to wait around for such things. Instead, go to the doctor when you notice the earlier appendicitis symptoms. Doing so makes things tremendously easier for the appendicitis sufferer.