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Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Make Your Tooth Ache Vanish With These Magic Home Remedies

Tooth CareSharp, throbbing pains and extremely painful toothaches can present themselves completely unannounced. Most of the time the cause for this alarming pain is some form of tooth decay caused by a medical condition, poor mouth and dental hygiene or a fractured or otherwise
damaged tooth, as most people will experience this pain at some point in their lives, it is handy to be aware of some toothache remedies.

Cleaning your teeth and gums properly is obviously the key to prevent toothache pains. Home remedies for toothaches will help you stop the excruciating pain and can see you through till you are able to visit your dentist. Every person cleans their teeth, using a tooth brush, in a different way. Dentists recommend brushing the teeth with small circular motions, gently brushing the gums as well. Doing this twice a day will prevent toothaches, and can help relieve milder

Causes of Toothaches
A faulty diet, high in sugar and refined foods, along with the consumption of fizzy drinks (usually high in sugar) is the greatest threat to our teeth. Mouth bacteria break sugars down into different types of acids. These acids will attack the enamel on your teeth, causing decay and erosion of the protective layer on the tooth. This is the reason why it can take a long time before you notice that your teeth are in danger. The enamel is broken down slowly, this process can literally take years, after which an excruciating pain will let you know that your tooth is deteriorating.

Easing toothache pain will be your first priority as soon as this pain hits you. Unfortunately, but understandably, lots of people who suffer from toothaches start taking lots of painkillers to be able to ease the toothache pain.

Fortunately there are more ways than one to relief toothache pain, and most of these remedies happen to be simple home remedies. Curing toothaches is usually a task for your dentist, but a lot can be done to relieve yourself of the pain. Some recommendable toothache pain remedies that really work can be applied with items and substances that can generally be found in any kitchen.
How to Avoid Toothache?
Vitamin C, helps to maintain both bones and teeth, kills bacteria and prevents decay. Lime is known for its high vitamin C content and prevents teeth from decaying and gums from loosening around the teeth (caused by a high sugar level in the mouth). If you start adding lime juice to a glass of water every day, this can cure toothaches and help prevent them.

Reducing your intake of sugars, and snacking less in between meals, will help your teeth to stay strong. Gargling with lime juice if you have a very painful toothache is an excellent home remedy.

Of course, the best way to deal with a toothache is to avoid one. Toothache pain relief can be very successful but if dental treatment comes too late a tooth may be lost. Consult your dentist if you start experiencing pains and watch your diet. Armoured with these toothache remedies, you will be well equipped should you ever suffer from one.