Breast Cancer

Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Knowing the signs of the cancer can help in early detection and treatment to save life. Some of the potential breast cancer symptoms include:
* Lump or thickening in the breast or armpit - usually painless, firm to hard and usually with irregular borders
* A change in the size or shape of the breast Abnormal nipple discharge, usually bloody or clear-to-yellow or green fluid which may look like pus (purulent)
* Any flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast
* Retraction, enlargement, or itching of nipple
* Breast pain, enlargement, or discomfort on one side only
* Symptoms of advanced disease are bone pain, weight loss, swelling of one arm, and skin ulceration
Riskfactore of Breast Cancer
* Although the exact cause of breast cancer is not known, there are some risk factors that tend to increase the chance of occurrence of cancer. These factors are:
* Age and gender: Women above age of 55
* Previous occurrence of breast cancer
* Family History
* Late Childbearing, usually after the age of 30
* Early Menstruation (before age of 12) and Late Menopause (after age of 55)
* Use of Oral Contraceptives
* Obesity - a controversial risk factor
* Excessive Alcohol Consumption
* Prolonged Hormone Therapy
* Exposure to harmful radiation, chemicals, cigarette smoke over a long period of time
Treatment of Breast Cancer
Any worrisome breast changes should be shown to a medical professional who may perform a physical examination including both breasts, armpits, and the area of the neck and chest. Additional tests and treatment may then be recommended:
* X-ray mammography may help identify the breast mass.
* Ultrasound can identify whether the lump is solid or fluid-filled.
* Needle biopsy of breast lumps can show if they are fluid-filled and provide material to send to the laboratory for analysis. In the case of very small abnormalities visible only on mammography, special techniques are necessary.
* A surgical biopsy or breast lump removal provides a portion or all of a breast lump for laboratory study.
If breast cancer is diagnosed, additional testing is performed, including chest X-ray and blood tests. Depending on the stage of disease, Mastectomy (surgical removal of lump or of full breast), Radiation (procedure to destroy the cancerous cells), Chemotherapy using specific drugs, or a combination of these may then be recommended. Determining the stage of the disease is important to decide the steps for treatment. In most cases, if the cancer is detected early and treated appropriately, breast cancer patients can usually lead a cancer free life.
Prevantion of Breast Cancer
Efforts have focused on early detection since breast cancer is more easily treated and often curable if it is found early.
Three tools for early detection of breast cancer are:
* Regular Breast self-examination (BSE) once a month, in the week following your menstrual period if you are age 20 or older.
* Clinical breast examination (CBE) by a medical professional
* Screening mammography
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* breast
* lump
* cancer
* mammography
* chemotherapy
* biopsy
* mastectomy is also known as 'Carcinoma of the breast'. It indicates a malignant growth starting in the breast tissue that can spread to lymph nodes, bones and other parts of the body. There are many types of breast cancers, those that form in the milk glands, in the ducts that carry milk, in the fatty area or in the connective tissue of the breast.
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Knowing the signs of the cancer can help in early detection and treatment to save life. Some of the potential breast cancer symptoms include:
* Lump or thickening in the breast or armpit - usually painless, firm to hard and usually with irregular borders
* A change in the size or shape of the breast Abnormal nipple discharge, usually bloody or clear-to-yellow or green fluid which may look like pus (purulent)
* Any flattening or indentation of the skin over your breast
* Retraction, enlargement, or itching of nipple
* Breast pain, enlargement, or discomfort on one side only
* Symptoms of advanced disease are bone pain, weight loss, swelling of one arm, and skin ulceration
Riskfactore of Breast Cancer
* Although the exact cause of breast cancer is not known, there are some risk factors that tend to increase the chance of occurrence of cancer. These factors are:
* Age and gender: Women above age of 55
* Previous occurrence of breast cancer
* Family History
* Late Childbearing, usually after the age of 30
* Early Menstruation (before age of 12) and Late Menopause (after age of 55)
* Use of Oral Contraceptives
* Obesity - a controversial risk factor
* Excessive Alcohol Consumption
* Prolonged Hormone Therapy
* Exposure to harmful radiation, chemicals, cigarette smoke over a long period of time
Treatment of Breast Cancer
Any worrisome breast changes should be shown to a medical professional who may perform a physical examination including both breasts, armpits, and the area of the neck and chest. Additional tests and treatment may then be recommended:
* X-ray mammography may help identify the breast mass.
* Ultrasound can identify whether the lump is solid or fluid-filled.
* Needle biopsy of breast lumps can show if they are fluid-filled and provide material to send to the laboratory for analysis. In the case of very small abnormalities visible only on mammography, special techniques are necessary.
* A surgical biopsy or breast lump removal provides a portion or all of a breast lump for laboratory study.
If breast cancer is diagnosed, additional testing is performed, including chest X-ray and blood tests. Depending on the stage of disease, Mastectomy (surgical removal of lump or of full breast), Radiation (procedure to destroy the cancerous cells), Chemotherapy using specific drugs, or a combination of these may then be recommended. Determining the stage of the disease is important to decide the steps for treatment. In most cases, if the cancer is detected early and treated appropriately, breast cancer patients can usually lead a cancer free life.
Prevantion of Breast Cancer
Efforts have focused on early detection since breast cancer is more easily treated and often curable if it is found early.
Three tools for early detection of breast cancer are:
* Regular Breast self-examination (BSE) once a month, in the week following your menstrual period if you are age 20 or older.
* Clinical breast examination (CBE) by a medical professional
* Screening mammography
Related Searches:
* breast
* lump
* cancer
* mammography
* chemotherapy
* biopsy
* mastectomy